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Line Tracker

Line is a mobile phone app that allows users to exchange messages, photos, avatars and much more. Check your kid’s Line messages to make sure they don’t interact with strangers.

Line Tracker monitoring -

With Kidsecured Parents Can:

  • Read Line messages
  • Check calls list
  • Detect hidden chats

Why should you monitor kid’s Line activity?

of 12-15s have a profile on a social media or messaging app

The majority of modern kids prefer communicating through messaging apps. With secret chat option and other amusing features, Line is a popular app among tweens and teens. They exchange messages, pictures and more on Line. But sometimes, kid’s overshare content in chats and become victims for cyberbullying.

Check your kid’s Line conversations with KidSecured to protect them from online threats. Read their messages and monitor secret chats now.

How To Use Line Tracker To Check Your Kid’s Conversations? – Brief Guide To Using KidSecured

Messaging apps somehow replaced the way kids communicate with each other. Now they don’t want to meet for lunch or go outside and discuss the latest events. Most of the conversations are held in messaging apps.

Such applications as Snapchat and WhatsApp are popular among most teens. Line messenger is also one of the frequently used to keep in touch. Although the app is free and easy to use, no parent can tell they don't worry about what their children share in private messages. That’s why KidSecured Line tracker is the necessary tool for parents.

Here’s our brief guide on how to use KidSecured to track your kid’s Line conversations.

Start Using Line Tracker To Discover All Interactions Of Your Child

To start using KidSecured, you need to buy KidSecured app. Once you click on Buy App button on the KidSecured website, you will be redirected to the order page. Here you need to fill in personal information and add your credit card details.

After the payment is processed, you will receive a welcome letter. Open it to find a link to personal Control Panel and your login credentials. Once you enter your Control Panel, you will KidSecured installation guidelines. The installation wizard will guide you through the process and help you to set up the app on the mobile phone of your kid.

The KidSecured app will start tracking activities on your kid’s device instantly. The app will transfer the activity logs to your Panel following the update interval you set. For example, if you decide to receive activity updates every hour, KidSecured will transfer the found info to your Panel adhering to the interval.

You can check the logs anytime you want to. Just log in to your Panel to get a detailed overview of your kid’s smartphone use. KidSecured will reflect the following data in your Panel:

  • Line conversations - KidSecured allows parents to discover their kid’s interactions on Line. You can read all the sent and received Line messages in your Control Panel.
  • Calls and contacts details - Free calls are another benefit you get from Line messenger. With KidSecured you can view the incoming/outgoing Line calls of your child to find out who they communicate with and when.
  • Hidden Line chats - Line features a hidden chat option that auto-deletes a conversation once the time limit is reached. KidSecured is one step ahead, as it detects the hidden messages and transfers them instantly to parent's Panel. That's why hidden chats are not secret anymore.

As you see, KidSecured presents a full overview of kid’s Line activity. It's necessary for the parents to stay on top of kid's mobile phone activity, but should children know about parental control installed on their device? Let’s figure this out.

Should Your Kid Know About KidSecured Installed On Their Device?

Not many parents think about kid’s privacy before opting for Line monitoring tool. But, it is crucial for parents to develop a trusting relationship with their kids. And privacy is the essential constituent of healthy parent-child interactions.

That’s why before installing the Line parental control app on your kid’s smartphone, try to explain your decision to your child. Tell them about cyberbullying, oversharing and online harassment the young generation often are exposed to. Also, develop the techniques to counteract online threats.

And most of all, explain to your child how the KidSecured parental control tool works. Children often are opposed to things they don't understand. Try to be as honest and detailed as possible when clarifying the KidSecured working process.

Being frank with your child will help you understand their needs and feelings better. Applying KidSecured, you can prevent unwanted interactions and keep your child away from cyberbullies.